121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

Art. 20 Obligaziun speziala da dar infurmaziuns ed obligaziun speziala d’annunzia

1 Las suandantas autoritads èn obligadas da dar infurmaziuns al SIC per che quel possia ademplir sias incumbensas:

dretgiras, autoritads da persecuziun penala sco er autoritads da l’execuziun da chastis e da mesiras;
guardias da cunfin ed autoritads da duana;
autoritads da la segirezza militara, dal Servetsch d’infurmaziun da l’armada e dals fatgs da controlla militars;
autoritads da la Confederaziun e dals chantuns ch’èn cumpetentas per l’entrada en Svizra e per la dimora da persunas estras sco er per dumondas d’asil;
autoritads che coopereschan ad incumbensas da la polizia da segirezza;
controllas d’abitants;
autoritads ch’èn responsablas per il traffic diplomatic e consular;
autoritads ch’èn responsablas per permetter il traffic cun tscherta rauba;
autoritads ch’èn responsablas per il funcziunament da sistems d’informatica;
autoritads ch’èn responsablas per la surveglianza dal martgà da finanzas e per prender encunter annunzias en cas da suspect da la lavada da daners tar cas da finanziaziun dal terrorissem e da finanziaziun d’activitads da proliferaziun NBC a norma da la Lescha dals 10 d’october 199711 davart la lavada da daners suspectus.

2 Las autoritads tenor l’alinea 1 èn obligadas da taschair envers terzas persunas davart la dumonda dal SIC e davart infurmaziuns ch’èn eventualmain vegnidas dadas. Exceptada da quai è l’infurmaziun da posts superiurs e d’organs da surveglianza.

3 Las autoritads tenor l’alinea 1 communitgeschan – senza ch’ellas sajan vegnidas intimadas – infurmaziuns, sch’ellas constateschan ina smanatscha concreta e greva da la segirezza interna u externa.12

4 Il Cussegl federal fixescha en ina glista betg publica, tge andaments e tge constataziuns che ston vegnir communitgads al SIC senza intimaziun da sia vart. El circumscriva la dimensiun da l’obligaziun d’annunzia e la procedura d’al dar infurmaziuns.

11 SR 955.0

12 La rectificaziun da la Cumissiun da redacziun da l’AF dals 12 da mars 2020, publitgada ils 24 da mars 2020, concerna mo il text franzos (AS 2020 1057).

Art. 20 Special obligation to provide information and report

1 The following authorities are obliged to provide the FIS with information in order to carry out its tasks:

courts, prosecution authorities and authorities responsible for executing criminal sentences and measures;
the border guard and customs authorities;
authorities responsible for military security, the authorities of the Armed Forces Intelligence Service and the authorities responsible for the military service registration system;
federal and cantonal authorities responsible for matters relating to the entry and residence of foreign nationals and for asylum matters;
authorities that are involved in security policing tasks;
residents’ register offices;
authorities responsible for diplomatic and consular matters;
authorities responsible for authorising dealings with certain goods;
authorities responsible for the operation of computer systems;
authorities that are responsible for the supervision of the financial markets and for accepting reports of suspicions of money laundering in cases of financing terrorism and ABC proliferation activities in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 10 October 199711.

2 The authorities listed in paragraph 1 are required to preserve secrecy in relation to third parties with regard to the request and any information provided. They are permitted to inform their superiors and supervision bodies.

3 The authorities listed in paragraph 1 shall file a report without having to be requested to do so if they identify a specific and serious threat to internal or external security.12

4 The Federal Council shall specify in an unpublished list which activities and intelligence must be reported to the FIS without a request being required. It shall specify the extent of the obligation to report and the procedure for providing information.

11 SR 955.0

12 The correction of the FA Drafting Committee of 12 March 2020, published 24 March 2020, relates to the French text only (AS 2020 1057).


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.