121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

Art. 18 Identitads da finta

1 Il schef dal DDPS po permetter che las suandantas persunas vegnian munidas cun ina identitad da finta, che las dat ina identitad, che divergescha da la vaira identitad, per garantir lur segirezza u la procuraziun d’infurmaziuns:

collavuraturs dal SIC;
collavuraturs da las autoritads executivas chantunalas che lavuran per incumbensa da la Confederaziun, sch’il chantun respectiv è perencletg cun quai u sch’el dumonda quai;
funtaunas umanas en il rom d’ina tscherta operaziun.

2 L’identitad da finta po vegnir duvrada uschè ditg, sco che quai è necessari per garantir la segirezza da la persuna pertutgada u la procuraziun d’infurmaziuns. Sia utilisaziun è limitada:

a maximalmain 5 onns per collavuraturs dal SIC u dals organs da segirezza dals chantuns; la durada po vegnir prolungada en cas da basegn mintgamai per maximalmain 3 ulteriurs onns;
a maximalmain 12 mais per funtaunas umanas; la durada po vegnir prolungada en cas da basegn mintgamai per maximalmain 12 ulteriurs mais.

3 L’utilisaziun d’ina identitad da finta per procurar infurmaziuns è admessa mo, sche quai pertutga in champ d’incumbensas tenor l’artitgel 6 alinea 1 e sche:

la procuraziun d’infurmaziuns senza identitad da finta è restada senza success, fiss vana senza l’utilisaziun da l’identitad da finta u vegniss engrevgiada en moda sproporziunada; u
in bain giuridic sco il corp e la vita u l’integritad corporala da la persuna ch’è fatschentada da procurar l’infurmaziun u d’ina persuna che stat datiers ad ella è smanatschà.

4 Per crear e per mantegnair ina identitad da finta po il SIC far u midar documents d’identitad, attestats ed ulteriurs documents sco er datas che sa refereschan a la persuna. Las autoritads cumpetentas federalas, chantunalas e communalas èn obligadas da collavurar cun il SIC.

5 Il SIC prenda las mesiras necessarias per che las persunas munidas cun ina identitad da finta na vegnian betg scuvridas.

Art. 18 Alias identities

1 The Head of the DDPS may authorise the following persons to be provided with an alias identity, i.e. be given an identity other than their true identity in order to ensure their safety or facilitate information gathering:

FIS employees;
in consultation with or at the request of the canton, employees of the cantonal executive authorities acting in terms of a federal mandate;
human sources in the course of a specific operation.

2 The alias identity may be used for as long as required to ensure the safety of the person concerned or facilitate information gathering. Use is subject to the following time limits:

for employees of the FIS or of cantonal security agencies: a maximum of five years; if required, this period may be extended for a maximum of three further years in any given case;
for human sources: a maximum of twelve months; if required, this period may be extended for a maximum of twelve further months in any given case.

3 The use of an alias identity to gather information is only permitted for a purpose set out in Article 6 paragraph 1 and where:

attempts to gather information without using an alias identity have been unsuccessful, would have no prospect of success without the use of an alias identity or would be disproportionately more difficult; or
there is a threat to a significant legal interest such as the life and limb or physical integrity of the person required to gather the information or of a person closely associated with that person.

4 In order to develop and maintain a cover story, the FIS may produce or alter identity documents, official documents and other documents as well as personal details. The responsible federal, cantonal and communal authorities are required to cooperate with the FIS.

5 The FIS shall take the required measures to protect the person’s true identity from being revealed.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.