Diritto nazionale 8 Sanità - Lavoro - Sicurezza sociale 81 Sanità
Internal Law 8 Health - Employment - Social security 81 Health

812.21 Legge federale del 15 dicembre 2000 sui medicamenti e i dispositivi medici (Legge sugli agenti terapeutici, LATer)

812.21 Federal Act of 15 December 2000 on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (Therapeutic Products Act, TPA)

Index Inverser les langues Précédent Suivant
Index Inverser les langues

Art. 78a Relazione sulla gestione

1 La relazione sulla gestione comprende il conto annuale, l’attestato di revisione del conto annuale e la relazione annuale.

2 Il conto annuale si compone del bilancio, del conto economico e dell’allegato.

3 L’Ufficio di revisione controlla il conto annuale.

217 Introdotto dal n. I della LF del 18 mar. 2016, in vigore dal 1° gen. 2019 (RU 2017 2745, 2018 3575; FF 2013 1).

Art. 78a Annual report

1 The annual report contains the annual accounts, the confirmation of audit of the annual accounts and the financial report.

2 The annual accounts consist of the balance sheet, the income statement and the annex.

3 The annual accounts shall be audited by the auditor.

214 Inserted by No I of the FA of 18 March 2016, in force since 1 Jan. 2019 (AS 2017 2745, 2018 3575; BBl 2013 1).


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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.