1 La FINMA ne retire la reconnaissance d’un organisme d’autorégulation en vertu de l’art. 37 LFINMA168 qu’après sommation préalable.
2 Lorsque la reconnaissance est retirée à un organisme d’autorégulation, les intermédiaires financiers qui lui sont affiliés ont deux mois pour demander leur affiliation à un autre organisme.169
3 et 4 ...170
167 Nouvelle teneur selon l’annexe ch. 17 de la L du 22 juin 2007 sur la surveillance des marchés financiers, en vigueur depuis le 1er janv. 2009 (RO 2008 5207; FF 2006 2741).
169 Nouvelle teneur selon l’annexe ch. II 15 de la LF du 15 juin 2018 sur les établissements financiers, en vigueur depuis le 1er janv. 2020 (RO 2018 5247, 2019 4631; FF 2015 8101).
170 Abrogés par l’annexe ch. II 15 de la LF du 15 juin 2018 sur les établissements financiers, avec effet au 1er janv. 2020 (RO 2018 5247, 2019 4631; FF 2015 8101).
1 FINMA, the FGB, the intercantonal authority, the Central Office and the Reporting Office may provide each other with any information they require for the application of this Act.173
2 The federal, cantonal and communal authorities shall if requested by the Reporting Office or the central offices of the Federal Criminal Police pass on to the Reporting Office or the said central offices all the data required for the analyses in relation to combating money laundering, its predicate offences, organised crime or the financing of terrorism. The data include in particular financial information and other sensitive personal data and personality profiles obtained in criminal, administrative criminal and administrative proceedings, including those from pending proceedings.174
2bis The Reporting Office may provide, on a case-by-case basis, the authorities referred to in paragraph 2 with information in individual cases provided the authorities use the information exclusively for combating money laundering, its predicate offences, organised crime or the financing of terrorism. Article 30 paragraphs 2–5 applies by analogy.175
2ter The Reporting Office may only pass on information from foreign reporting offices with their express consent to the authorities referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 for the purposes specified in paragraph 2bis.176
3 The Reporting Office shall inform FINMA, the FGB, the intercantonal authority and the Central Office of the decisions of the cantonal prosecution authorities.177
172 Inserted by No I 4 of the FA of 3 Oct. 2008 on the Implementation of the revised Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force, in force since 1 Feb. 2009 (AS 2009 361; BBl 2007 6269).
173 Amended by No I of the FA of 19 March 2021, in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2021 656; 2022 551; BBl 2019 5451).
174 Amended by No I 7 of the FA of 12 Dec. 2014 on the Implementation of the 2012 revision of the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force, in force since 1 Jan. 2016 (AS 2015 1389; BBl 2014 605).
175 Inserted by No I 7 of the FA of 12 Dec. 2014 on the Implementation of the 2012 revision of the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force, in force since 1 Jan. 2016 (AS 2015 1389; BBl 2014 605).
176 Inserted by No I 7 of the FA of 12 Dec. 2014 on the Implementation of the 2012 revision of the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (AS 2015 1389; BBl 2014 605). Amended by No I of the FA of 19 March 2021, in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2021 656; 2022 551; BBl 2019 5451).
177 Amended by No I of the FA of 19 March 2021, in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2021 656; 2022 551; BBl 2019 5451).
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