(art. 33, al. 4, LEFin)
1 Outre les tâches prescrites aux art. 32 et 33, al. 4, LEFin et à l’art. 49, les activités relevant de la gestion de fonds de placement incluent notamment:
2 La direction de fonds n’est autorisée à exercer ces activités et à fournir les prestations visées à l’art. 34 LEFin que si ses statuts le prévoient.
3 L’art. 26, al. 2, LEFin s’applique par analogie à la gestion de placements collectifs étrangers.
(Art. 33 para. 4 FinIA)
1 In addition to the tasks specified in Articles 32 and 33 paragraph 4 FinIA as well as in accordance with Article 49, fund business specifically entails:
2 The fund management company may only perform these activities and any further services in accordance with Article 34 FinIA if its articles of association so provide.
3 Article 26 paragraph 2 FinIA applies by analogy to the conduct of fund business for foreign collective investment schemes.
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