Droit interne 9 Économie - Coopération technique 95 Crédit
Internal Law 9 Economy - Technical cooperation 95 Credit

951.311 Ordonnance du 22 novembre 2006 sur les placements collectifs de capitaux (Ordonnance sur les placements collectifs, OPCC)

951.311 Ordinance of 22 November 2006 on Collective Investment Schemes (Collective Investment Schemes Ordinance, CISO)

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Art. 58 Émission et rachat d’actions

(art. 42, al. 1 et 3, LPCC)

1 Les art. 37 et 38 sont applicables par analogie.

2 Les actionnaires entrepreneurs peuvent restituer leurs actions:

si la proportion adéquate entre les apports et la fortune totale de la SICAV est maintenue même après le rachat, et
si l’apport minimal est maintenu.

Art. 58 Issue and redemption of shares

(Art. 42 para. 1 and 3 CISA)

1 Articles 37 and 38 apply accordingly.

2 Company shareholders may redeem their shares if:

the appropriate ratio between holdings of the company shareholders and total assets of the SICAV is maintained even after redemption; and
the minimum investment amount is maintained.

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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.