1 Si la réponse n’est pas déposée dans le délai imparti, le tribunal fixe au défendeur un bref délai supplémentaire.
2 Si la réponse n’est pas déposée à l’échéance du délai, le tribunal rend la décision finale si la cause est en état d’être jugée. Sinon, la cause est citée aux débats principaux.
1 The defendant may file a counterclaim in the statement of defence if the claim made by the defendant is subject to the same type of procedure as the main action.
2 If the value of the counterclaim exceeds the material jurisdiction of the court, the court shall transfer both claims to the court with greater material jurisdiction.
3 If a counterclaim is filed, the court shall set a deadline for the plaintiff to file a written defence. The plaintiff may not answer the counterclaim with a counterclaim.
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.