1 Les comptes consolidés des entreprises suivantes sont établis selon une norme comptable reconnue:
2 L’art. 962a, al. 1 à 3, et 5, est applicable par analogie.
3 Les comptes consolidés des autres entreprises sont soumis au principe de régularité. Dans l’annexe aux comptes consolidés, l’entreprise mentionne les règles d’évaluation appliquées. Lorsqu’elle s’en écarte, elle l’indique dans l’annexe et fournit d’une autre manière les indications rendant compte de l’état du patrimoine, de la situation financière et des résultats du groupe.
4 Dans les cas suivants, l’entreprise reste tenue d’établir des comptes consolidés selon une norme comptable reconnue:
1 The report on non-financial matters shall cover environmental matters, in particular the CO2 goals, social issues, employee-related issues, respect for human rights and combating corruption. The report shall contain the information required to understand the business performance, the business result, the state of the undertaking and the effects of its activity on these non-financial matters.
2 The report shall include in particular:
3 If the report is based on national, European or international regulations, such as the principles laid down by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in particular, the regulations applied must be mentioned in the report. In applying such regulations, it must be ensured that all the requirements of this Article are met. If necessary, a supplementary report must be prepared.
4 If an undertaking has sole control or joint control with other company of one or more other Swiss or foreign undertakings, the report shall cover all these undertakings.
5 If the undertaking does not follow a policy with respect to one or more of the matters referred to in paragraph 1, it shall explain this clearly in the report, stating the reasons therefor.
6 The report shall be prepared in a national language or in English.
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.