1 Le gage immobilier s’éteint par la radiation de l’inscription et par la perte totale de l’immeuble.
2 L’extinction, dans les cas d’expropriation pour cause d’utilité publique, est régie par les lois spéciales de la Confédération et des cantons.
1 In the case of land consolidation procedures carried out with the assistance or under the supervision of the public authorities, the mortgage rights assigned are transferred with the same ranking to the land allotted by way of replacement.
2 Where one parcel of land replaces several parcels which are subject to a mortgage as security for different debts, or not all of which are subject to a mortgage, the liens will be applied to the single parcel of land and their ranking preserved wherever possible.
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.