1 Lorsque le domestique privé n’entre pas en service ou abandonne son emploi abruptement sans justes motifs, l’employeur a droit à une indemnité égale au quart du salaire mensuel. Il a droit en outre à la réparation du dommage supplémentaire.
2 Le juge peut réduire l’indemnité selon sa libre appréciation si l’employeur ne subit aucun dommage ou si le dommage est inférieur à l’indemnité prévue à l’al. 1.
1 When a private household employee does not commence work or abruptly abandons work without just cause, the employer is entitled to compensation equal to one quarter of the employee’s monthly salary. The employer is also entitled to damages in respect of any resulting loss.
2 A judge has the discretion to reduce the compensation amount if, in his or her free assessment the employer has suffered no loss or if the loss suffered is inferior to the amount stipulated in paragraph 1.
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.