1 The putting into circulation for the first time of timber and wood products that have not been harvested or traded in accordance with the regulations of the country of origin is prohibited.
2 The Federal Council shall lay down the requirements for putting timber and wood products into circulation in line with the rules of the European Union.
3 In line with international standards, it may impose requirements for putting other raw materials and products into circulation or prohibit their being put into circulation if their cultivation, extraction or production significantly pollutes the environment or significantly jeopardises the sustainable use of natural resources.
1 Igl è scumandà da metter en circulaziun per l’emprima giada lain e products da lain, sche lur explotaziun e lur commerzi na correspundan betg a las prescripziuns dal pajais d’origin davart il tagl da laina e davart il commerzi cun laina.
2 En concordanza cun las disposiziuns da l’Uniun europeica fixescha il Cussegl federal las pretensiuns per metter en circulaziun lain e products da lain.
3 En concordanza cun standards internaziunals po il Cussegl federal definir pretensiuns per metter en circulaziun ulteriuras materias primas ed ulteriurs products u scumandar da metter en circulaziun tala rauba, sche la cultivaziun, l’explotaziun u la producziun engrevgescha considerablamain l’ambient u periclitescha considerablamain l’utilisaziun persistenta da las resursas natiralas.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.