814.01 Federal Act of 7 October 1983 on the Protection of the Environment (Environmental Protection Act, EPA)

814.01 Lescha federala dals 7 d'october 1983 davart la protecziun da l'ambient (Lescha davart la protecziun da l'ambient, LPAmb)

Art. 32abis Prepaid disposal fee

1 The Federal Council may require manufacturers and importers who put products into circulation which, after use by a large number of holders, become waste and have to be given special treatment or are suitable for recovery to pay a prepaid disposal fee to a private organisation appointed and supervised by the Confederation. This fee is used to finance the disposal of the waste by private individuals or public corporations.

2 The Federal Council sets the minimum and maximum amount of the fee on the basis of the cost of disposal. Within this framework, the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications50 determines the level of the fee.

3 The Federal Council lays down the methods of collecting and using the fee. It may, in particular, require that persons putting products into circulation inform customers in an appropriate manner of the level of the fee.

49 Originally Art. 32a.

50 The designation of the administrative entity was amended according to Art. 16 para. 3 of the Publication O of 17 Nov. 2004 (AS 2004 4937). This amendment has been made throughout the text.

Art. 32abis Taxa da dismessa anticipada

1 Il Cussegl federal po obligar producents ed importaders, che mettan en circulaziun products che resultan – suenter ch’els èn vegnids duvrads – tar numerus possessurs sco ruments e che ston vegnir tractads spezialmain u ch’èn adattads da vegnir reciclads, da pajar ina taxa da dismessa anticipada ad in’organisaziun privata incumbensada e survegliada da la Confederaziun. Questa taxa vegn duvrada per finanziar la dismessa dals ruments tras persunas privatas u tras corporaziuns da dretg public.

2 Sin basa dals custs da dismessa fixescha il Cussegl federal l’import minimal e l’import maximal da la taxa. En quest connex determinescha il Departament federal per ambient, traffic, energia e communicaziun50 l’autezza da la taxa.

3 Il Cussegl federal regla l’incassament e l’utilisaziun da la taxa. El po prescriver en spezial che quels che mettan en circulaziun products infurmeschan il consument en moda adattada davart l’autezza da la taxa.

49 Oriundamain: art. 32a.

50 La designaziun da l’unitad administrativa è vegnida adattada applitgond l’art. 16 al. 3 da l’O dals 17 da nov. 2004 davart las publicaziuns uffizialas (AS 2004 4937). Questa adattaziun è vegnida fatga en tut il text.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.