814.01 Federal Act of 7 October 1983 on the Protection of the Environment (Environmental Protection Act, EPA)

814.01 Lescha federala dals 7 d'october 1983 davart la protecziun da l'ambient (Lescha davart la protecziun da l'ambient, LPAmb)

Art. 10b Environmental impact report

1 Any person who wishes to plan, construct or modify an installation that is subject to an environmental impact assessment must submit an environmental impact report to the competent authority. This forms the basis for the environmental impact assessment.

2 The report contains all the information required to assess the project in accordance with the environmental protection regulations. It is drawn up in accordance with the guidelines issued by the environmental protection agencies and includes the following:

the existing condition;
the project, including proposed measures for the protection of the environment and in the event of disaster, and an outline of the main alternatives, if need be studied by the applicant;
the foreseeable residual environmental impact.

3 In order to prepare for the report, a preliminary investigation is carried out. If the preliminary investigation conclusively ascertains the effects on the environment and the environmental protection measures required, the results of the preliminary investigation are deemed to be the report.

4 The competent authority may request information or further clarification. It may call for expert reports; before doing so, the authority must allow interested parties the opportunity to state their opinions.

25 Amended by Art. 2 No I of the FD of 27 Sept. 2013 (Aarhus Convention), in force since 1 June 2014 (AS 2014 1021; BBl 2012 4323).

Art. 10b Rapport davart la cumpatibilitad ecologica

1 Tgi che vul planisar, construir u midar in stabiliment ch’è suttamess a l’examinaziun ecologica, sto inoltrar a l’autoritad cumpetenta in rapport davart la cumpatibilitad ecologica. Quest rapport è la basa da l’examinaziun ecologica.

2 Il rapport cuntegna tut las indicaziuns ch’èn necessarias per examinar il project tenor las prescripziuns davart la protecziun da l’ambient. El vegn redigì tenor las directivas dals posts spezialisads per dumondas da l’ambient e cuntegna ils suandants puncts:

il stadi da partenza;
il project, inclusiv las mesiras previsas per la protecziun da l’ambient ed en cas da catastrofa, sco er ina survista da las alternativas las pli impurtantas ch’èn eventualmain vegnidas examinadas dal petent;
la contaminaziun u la grevezza che resta previsiblamain per l’ambient.

3 Per preparar il rapport vegn fatga in’examinaziun preliminara. Sche las influenzas sin l’ambient e las mesiras per la protecziun da l’ambient vegnan eruidas definitivamain en il rom da l’examinaziun preliminara, valan ils resultats da questa examinaziun sco rapport.

4 L’autoritad cumpetenta po pretender infurmaziuns u scleriments cumplementars. Ella po laschar far expertisas; a las parts interessadas dat ella dentant l’emprim l’occasiun da prender posiziun.

25 Versiun tenor l’art. 2 cifra 1 dal COF dals 27 da sett. 2013 (Convenziun d’Aarhus), en vigur dapi il 1. da zer. 2014 (AS 2014 1021; BBl 2012 4323).


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