1 Any person may submit a report to the competent ombudsman service:
2 Reports must be submitted within 20 days of the appearance of the publication or refusal of a request for access in terms of Article 91 paragraph 3 letter b.
3 If the report relates to more than one programme or contribution, the period begins with the broadcasting or appearance of the last publication that is the subject of the report. However, the first of the publications reported must not be more than three months before the last.
4 A report may only concern two or more contributions produced by the editorial staff as part of the other journalistic services from SRG SSR if these contributions are published in the same election or vote dossier.
5 The report must be submitted in writing and, if it relates to other journalistic services from SRG SSR, be accompanied by supporting documents. A brief statement of grounds must be provided, explaining in what way the editorial publication is deficient in terms of content or the refusal to grant access to the programme service or to the part of the other journalistic services from SRG SSR produced by the editorial staff is unlawful.
97 Amended by No I of the Federal Act of 26 Sept. 2014, in force since 1 July 2016 (AS 2016 2131; BBl 2013 4975).
1 Mintga persuna po inoltrar ina reclamaziun tar il post da mediaziun:
2 Las reclamaziuns ston vegnir inoltradas entaifer 20 dis suenter la cumpariziun da la publicaziun contestada u suenter la refusa da la dumonda d’access en il senn da l’artitgel 91 alinea 3 litera b.
3 Sche la reclamaziun sa referescha a pliras emissiuns u contribuziuns, cumenza il termin cun la diffusiun respectivamain cun la cumpariziun da l’ultima publicaziun contestada. L’emprima publicaziun contestada na dastga dentant betg esser cumparida dapli che 3 mais avant l’ultima publicaziun contestada.
4 Ina reclamaziun po mo sa drizzar cunter pliras contribuziuns concepidas da la redacziun en l’ulteriura purschida publicistica da la SSR, sche questas contribuziuns èn cumparidas en il medem dossier d’elecziuns u da votaziuns.
5 La reclamaziun sto vegnir inoltrada en scrit, ed ella sto vegnir documentada, sch’ella pertutga l’ulteriura purschida publicistica da la SSR. En ina curta motivaziun stoi vegnir inditgà, en tge reguard ch’il cuntegn da la publicaziun redacziunala contestada duai esser manglus u che la refusa da l’access al program respectivamain a la part da l’ulteriura purschida publicistica da la SSR concepida da la redacziun duai cuntrafar al dretg.
97 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 26 da sett. 2014, en vigur dapi il 1. da fan. 2016 (AS 2016 2131; BBl 2013 4975).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.