721.101 Federal Act of 1 October 2010 on Water Retaining Facilities (Water Retaining Facilities Act, WRFA)

721.101 Lescha federala dal 1. d'october 2010 davart ils implants d'accumulaziun (Lescha davart ils implants d'accumulaziun, LIA)

Art. 8 Operation

1 The operator must ensure that:

the safety of the population and environment is guaranteed;
the outlet and relief works are adequate and functional.

2 The operator shall carry out all inspections, measurements and tests that are required to assess the condition and behaviour of the water retaining facility, and shall have the results evaluated without delay. The operator shall submit all corresponding reports to the supervisory authority.

3 The operator must:

maintain the water retaining facility properly, repair damage and rectify safety defects without delay;
retrofit or modify the facility if the supervisory authority requires such action in order to rectify safety defects;
permit the installation and use of national monitoring and measurement systems, and grant inspection bodies access to such systems.

4 The supervisory authority shall evaluate the reports and verify whether the technical safety requirements have been complied with. It shall also carry out periodical inspections of the facility.

5 If deemed necessary for ensuring the technical safety of the facility, the supervisory authority shall specify conditions for the continued operation of the facility.

6 Water retaining facilities must be monitored and maintained until such time as they are no longer able to retain or confine water, mud and other materials. If there is no operator, the owner of the land shall be responsible for these obligations.

Art. 8 Manaschi

1 Il gestiunari sto procurar durant il manaschi che:

la protecziun da la populaziun e da l’ambient saja garantida;
ils indrizs da svidada e da distgargia funcziunian.

2 El fa las controllas, las mesiraziuns e las examinaziuns ch’èn necessarias per giuditgar il stadi ed il cumportament da l’implant d’accumulaziun, e lascha evaluar immediatamain ils resultats. Ella transmetta ils rapports respectivs a l’autoritad da surveglianza.

3 El sto:

mantegnair correctamain l’implant d’accumulaziun sco er eliminar immediatamain donns e mancanzas da segirezza;
cumplettar u transfurmar l’implant d’accumulaziun, sche l’autoritad da surveglianza pretenda quai, per eliminar mancanzas da segirezza;
permetter ch’i vegnian montads e duvrads sistems naziunals da surveglianza e da mesiraziun e permetter il liber access als organs da controlla.

4 L’autoritad da surveglianza valitescha ils rapports e controlla, sche las pretensiuns envers la segirezza tecnica vegnan ademplidas. Ella fa controllas periodicas da l’implant.

5 Ella dispona las cundiziuns per l’ulteriur manaschi, uschenavant che la segirezza tecnica da l’implant pretenda quai.

6 L’implant d’accumulaziun sto vegnir surveglià e mantegnì uschè ditg, fin ch’el è bun da stagnar u da retegnair aua, glitta ed auter material. Sch’i manca in gestiunari, è il proprietari dal bain immobigliar responsabel per observar questas obligaziuns.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.