721.101 Federal Act of 1 October 2010 on Water Retaining Facilities (Water Retaining Facilities Act, WRFA)

721.101 Lescha federala dal 1. d'october 2010 davart ils implants d'accumulaziun (Lescha davart ils implants d'accumulaziun, LIA)

Art. 2 Scope

1 This Act applies to water retaining facilities which meet the following specifications:

the storage height above the low-water level of the reservoir or above ground level is at least 10 metres;
the storage height is at least 5 metres and the reservoir has a storage capacity of more than 50,000 cubic metres.

2 The federal supervisory authority (Art. 22) may:

declare water retaining facilities that are smaller than specified above to be subject to this Act if they have a particular risk potential;
exclude water retaining facilities from the scope of this Act if it is demonstrated that they do not have a particular risk potential.

Art. 2 Champ d’applicaziun

1 Questa lescha vala per implants d’accumulaziun che adempleschan ina da las suandantas premissas:

l’autezza da l’aua accumulada sur il nivel bass da l’aual u sur l’autezza dal terren importa almain 10 m;
l’autezza da l’aua accumulada importa almain 5 m e l’implant ha ina zona d’accumulaziun da passa 50 000 m3.

2 L’autoritad da surveglianza da la Confederaziun (art. 22) po:

suttametter a questa lescha implants d’accumulaziun cun dimensiuns pli pitschnas, sch’els han in potenzial da privel spezial;
excluder dal champ d’applicaziun da questa lescha implants d’accumulaziun che n’han cumprovadamain nagin potenzial da privel spezial.

This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.