1 Legal obligations arising from texts in terms of Articles 2–4 shall apply as soon as the texts have been published in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
2 If an enactment is published in the AS after commencement, obligations arising therefrom apply from the day following publication, subject to Article 7 paragraph 3.
3 If an enactment is published under the exceptional procedure, it remains open to any person affected thereby to show that he or she was unaware of the enactment and despite taking all reasonable care could not have been aware of it.
1 Obligaziuns giuridicas da texts tenor ils artitgels 2–4 resultan, uschespert ch’ils texts èn vegnids publitgads tenor las disposiziuns da questa secziun.
2 Sch’in decret vegn publitgà en la CULF suenter ch’el è entrà en vigur, resultan obligaziuns da quel decret pir il di suenter sia publicaziun. L’artitgel 7 alinea 3 resta resalvà.
3 Sch’in decret vegn publitgà en ina procedura extraordinaria, ha la persuna pertutgada il dretg da cumprovar ch’ella n’ha betg enconuschì il decret e ch’ella na l’ha betg pudì enconuscher malgrà ch’ella ha duvrà tut la premura pretendida da las circumstanzas.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.