152.3 Federal Act of 17 December 2004 on Freedom of Information in the Administration (Freedom of Information Act, FoIA)

152.3 Lescha federala dals 17 da december 2004 davart il princip da la transparenza da l'administraziun (Lescha da transparenza, LTrans)

Art. 5 Official Documents

1 An official document is any information:

which has been recorded, regardless of the medium;
retained by the authority which issued the same or to which it has been communicated; and
which concerns the execution of a public function.

2 Documents which have been produced by means of a simple computerised process from recorded information which meets the requirements of paragraph 1 letters a, b and c above are deemed to be official documents.

3 Not deemed to be official documents are any documents which:

are used by an authority in a commercial capacity;
have not been issued; or
are intended for personal use.

Art. 5 Documents uffizials

1 Sco document uffizial chapeschan ins mintga infurmaziun:

ch’è registrada sin tge purtader d’infurmaziuns ch’i saja;
ch’è en possess da l’autoritad, da la quala ella deriva u a la quala ella è vegnida communitgada; e
che concerna l’adempliment d’ina incumbensa publica.

2 Sco documents uffizials vegnan considerads er ils documents che pon vegnir producids cun agid d’in tractament electronic simpel sin basa d’infurmaziuns registradas che satisfan a las pretensiuns tenor l’alinea 1 literas b e c.

3 Betg sco documents uffizials vegnan considerads ils documents:

che vegnan utilisads d’ina autoritad per intents commerzials;
dals quals il tractament n’è betg terminà; u
ch’èn destinads ad in diever persunal.

This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.