1 The cantons shall ensure that children and young people with disabilities receive a basic education adapted to their special needs.
2 Wherever possible and beneficial to the child or young person with a disability, the cantons shall provide suitable forms of schooling to encourage the integration of children and young people with disabilities in the regular school system.
3 In particular, they shall ensure that that children and young people with perceptual or articulation disorders and persons close to them can learn a communication technique appropriate for the disability.
1 Ils chantuns procuran che uffants e giuvenils impedids survegnian ina scolaziun da basa adattada a lur basegns spezials.
2 Ils chantuns promovan l’integraziun d’uffants e da giuvenils impedids en la scola regulara cun furmas da scolaziun correspundentas, uschenavant che quai è pussaivel e serva al bainstar da l’uffant u dal giuvenil impedì.
3 Els procuran en spezial che uffants e giuvenils cun difficultads da percepziun u d’articulaziun e las persunas che han ina relaziun spezialmain stretga cun els possian emprender ina tecnica da communicaziun ch’è adattada a questas difficultads.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.