1 SEM shall notify the provider of the appointments for initial questioning in the preparatory phase, for the interview on the grounds for asylum and for further procedural steps requiring involvement of the legal representation. The provider shall give this information promptly to the legal representative.
2 Provided the appointments are notified in good time, SEM’s actions have legal force even if the legal representative is not present or does not participate. Exceptions may be for absences at short notice there is justifiable good cause.
3 If the legal representative does not provide an opinion on a draft decision to refuse asylum within the time limit, despite the draft decision being sent by the provider in good time, it shall be considered that no view is expressed.
1 Il SEM communitgescha al furnitur da prestaziuns ils termins per l’emprima interrogaziun en la fasa preparatorica, per l’audiziun davart ils motivs d’asil sco er per ulteriurs pass da la procedura, nua ch’igl è necessari che la represchentanza legala coopereschia. Il furnitur da prestaziuns communitgescha immediatamain ils termins correspundents a la represchentanza legala.
2 Sch’ils termins èn vegnids communitgads ad ura, han las acziuns dal SEM vigur legala er senza che la represchentanza legala saja preschenta u coopereschia. Resalvads restan impediments a curta vista per motivs gravants perstgisabels.
3 Sch’ina represchentanza legala n’inoltrescha betg ina posiziun tar il sboz d’ina decisiun d’asil negativa u sch’ella inoltrescha ina tala posiziun memia tard, schebain ch’il furnitur da prestaziuns l’ha tramess ad ura quest sboz, vala quai sco renunzia da prender posiziun.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.