1 If a person does not fulfil their obligation to leave Switzerland by the appointed deadline and if the legally enforceable removal or expulsion order or legally enforceable order for expulsion from Switzerland under Article 66a or 66abis SCC212 or Article 49a or 49abis MCC213 cannot be enforced due to their personal conduct, they may be detained to ensure the obligation to leave Switzerland is complied with, provided it is not permitted to order detention pending deportation and a more lenient measure would lead to the goal.214
2 Detention may be ordered for one month. It may, however, be extended by two months with consent of the cantonal judicial authority if the person concerned remains unwilling to change their conduct and leave the country. Article 79 remains reserved.215
3 Detention and its extension are ordered by the authorities of the canton which is responsible for enforcing the removal or expulsion order. If the person concerned is already in detention based on Articles 75, 76 or 77, they may be left in detention if the requirements of paragraph 1 are fulfilled.216
4 The first-time detention order must be reviewed at the latest after 96 hours by a judicial authority on the basis of an oral hearing. At the request of the detainee, the extension of detention must be reviewed by the judicial authority within eight working days on the basis of an oral hearing. The power of review is governed by Article 80 paragraphs 2 and 4.
5 The conditions of detention are governed by Article 81.
6 The detention order is revoked if:
214 Amended by Annex No I of the FA of 20 March 2015 (Implementation of Art. 121 para. 3–6 Federal Constitution on the expulsion of foreign nationals convicted of certain offences), in force since 1 Oct. 2016 (AS 2016 2329; BBl 2013 5975).
215 Amended by Art. 2 No 1 of the FD of 18 June 2010 on the Adoption of the EC Directive on the Return of Illegal Immigrants (Directive 2008/115/EC), in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 5925; BBl 2009 8881).
216 Amended by Annex No I 1 of the FD of 26 Sept. 2014 (Adoption of R[EU] No 604/2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection), in force since 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 1841; BBl 2014 2675).
1 Sch’ina persuna estra n’ha betg ademplì sia obligaziun da partir da la Svizra entaifer il termin ch’è vegnì fixà per ella e sche la spedida legalmain valaivla, l’expulsiun legalmain valaivla tenor questa lescha u l’expulsiun legalmain valaivla tenor l’artitgel 66a u 66abis CP212 u tenor l’artitgel 49a u 49abis LPM213 na po betg vegnir exequida pervia da ses cumportament persunal, po ella vegnir arrestada per garantir ch’ella adempleschia l’obligaziun da partir da la Svizra, premess che l’ordinaziun da l’arrest d’expulsiun na saja betg admessa e ch’ina autra mesira main severa n’haja nagin success.214
2 L’arrest po vegnir ordinà per 1 mais. Cun il consentiment da l’autoritad chantunala giudiziala po el vegnir prolungà per mintgamai 2 mais, sche la persuna pertutgada n’è vinavant betg pronta da midar ses cumportament e da partir da la Svizra. L’artitgel 79 resta resalvà.215
3 L’arrest e sia prolungaziun vegnan ordinads da l’autoritad da quel chantun ch’è responsabel per l’execuziun da la spedida u da l’expulsiun. Sch’ina persuna pertutgada è gia en arrest sin basa da l’artitgel 75, 76 u 77, po ella vegnir laschada vinavant en arrest, sche las premissas da l’alinea 1 èn ademplidas.216
4 L’emprima ordinaziun da l’arrest sto vegnir controllada d’ina autoritad giudiziala il pli tard suenter 96 uras, e quai sin basa d’ina tractativa a bucca. Sin dumonda da la persuna arrestada sto la prolungaziun da l’arrest vegnir controllada da l’autoritad giudiziala entaifer 8 dis da lavur, e quai sin basa d’ina tractativa a bucca. La cumpetenza da controlla sa drizza tenor l’artitgel 80 alineas 2 e 4.
5 Las cundiziuns d’arrest sa drizzan tenor l’artitgel 81.
6 L’arrest vegn terminà, sche:
214 Versiun tenor la cifra 1 da l’agiunta da la LF dals 20 da mars 2015 (realisaziun da l’art. 121 al. 3–6 Cst. davart l’expulsiun da persunas estras criminalas), en vigur dapi il 1. d’oct. 2016 (AS 2016 2329; BBl 2013 5975).
215 Versiun tenor l’art. 2 cifra 1 dal COF dals 18 da zer. 2010 concernent la surpigliada da la Directiva da repatriament da la CE (Directiva 2008/115/CE), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2011 (AS 2010 5925; BBl 2009 8881).
216 Versiun tenor la cifra I 1 da l’agiunta dal COF dals 26 da sett. 2014 (surpigliada da l’Ordinaziun [UE] nr. 604/2013 davart la fixaziun dals criteris e dals mecanissems per determinar il stadi commember ch’è cumpetent per examinar ina dumonda da protecziun internaziunala), en vigur dapi il 1. da fan. 2015 (AS 2015 1841; BBl 2014 2675).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.