1 The aim of integration is the co-existence of the resident Swiss and foreign population on the basis of the values of the Federal Constitution and mutual respect and tolerance.
2 Integration should enable foreign nationals who are lawfully resident in Switzerland for the longer term to participate in the economic, social and cultural life of the society.
3 Integration requires willingness on the part of the foreign nationals and openness on the part of the Swiss population.
4 Foreign nationals are required to familiarise themselves with the social conditions and way of life in Switzerland and in particular to learn a national language.
1 La finamira da l’integraziun è la convivenza da la populaziun indigena ed estra sin basa da las valurs da la Constituziun federala sco er sin basa dal respect vicendaivel e da la toleranza vicendaivla.
2 L’integraziun duai pussibilitar a persunas estras che han ina dimora durabla e legala en Svizra da prender part da la vita economica, sociala e culturala da la societad.
3 L’integraziun premetta tant la voluntad correspundenta da las persunas estras sco er l’avertadad da la populaziun svizra.
4 Per las persunas estras èsi indispensabel da sa famigliarisar cun las relaziuns socialas e cun las cundiziuns da viver en Svizra e d’emprender cunzunt ina lingua naziunala.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.