1 The Federal Council shall introduce measures to make full use of the Swiss employment market potential. It shall consult the cantons and social partners beforehand.
2 In the event of an above-average level of unemployment in specific professions, areas of employment or economic regions, temporary measures shall be taken to assist persons who are registered with public employment agencies as seeking employment. The measures may be restricted to specific economic regions.
3 In the professions, areas of employment or economic regions with an above-average level of unemployment, employers must notify the public employment agencies of vacant positions. Access to information about the notified vacancies shall be restricted for a limited period to persons registered with public employment agencies in Switzerland.
4 The public employment agency shall within a short period of time provide the employers with the relevant details of persons registered as seeking employment. The employer shall invite suitable candidates for an interview or an aptitude test. The results shall be communicated to the public employment agencies.
5 Where vacant positions in accordance with paragraph 3 are filled by persons registered as seeking employment with public employment agencies, it is not required to notify the public employment agency of the vacant positions.
6 The Federal Council may specify additional exceptions to the obligation to give notice of vacant positions in accordance with paragraph 3, in particular in order to take account of the special situation of family businesses or in relation to persons who previously worked for the same employer; before issuing the implementing provisions, it shall consult the cantons and social partners. Furthermore, it shall regularly draw up lists of professions and areas of employment with above-average levels of unemployment in which the obligation to give notice of vacant positions applies.
7 If the requirements of paragraph 2 are met, a canton may request the Federal Council to introduce an obligation to give notice of vacant positions.
8 If the measures under paragraphs 1–5 do not achieve the desired effect or should new problems arise, the Federal Council, having consulted the cantons and social partners, shall submit proposals for additional measures to the Federal Assembly. In the event of serious problems, in particular problems caused by cross-border commuters, a canton may request the Federal Council to introduce further measures.
31 Inserted by No I of the FA of 16 Dec. 2016 (Controlling Immigration and Improving Implementation of the Free Movement Agreements), in force since 1 July 2018 (AS 2018 733; BBl 2016 3007).
1 Il Cussegl federal fixescha mesiras per exaurir il potenzial dal martgà da lavur svizzer. L’emprim taidla el ils chantuns ed ils partenaris socials.
2 Sche la dischoccupaziun sa chatta en tschertas gruppas professiunalas, en tscherts champs d’activitad u en tschertas regiuns economicas sur la media, ston vegnir prendidas mesiras d’ina durada limitada per promover las persunas ch’èn registradas tar l’intermediaziun publica da lavur sco persunas che tschertgan ina plazza. Las mesiras pon vegnir limitadas a singulas regiuns economicas.
3 En las gruppas professiunalas, en ils champs d’activitad u en las regiuns economicas che han ina dischoccupaziun sur la media ston ils patruns annunziar las plazzas libras a l’intermediaziun publica da lavur. L’access a las infurmaziuns davart las plazzas annunziadas vegn restrenschì durant in temp limità a las persunas ch’èn annunziadas tar l’intermediaziun publica da lavur en Svizra.
4 L’intermediaziun publica da lavur metta a disposiziun als patruns entaifer curt temp dossiers adequats da las persunas annunziadas che tschertgan ina plazza. Il patrun envida ils candidats adattads ad in discurs da preschentaziun u ad in’examinaziun da la qualificaziun. Ils resultats ston vegnir communitgads a l’intermediaziun publica da lavur.
5 Sche plazzas libras tenor l’alinea 3 vegnan occupadas cun persunas che tschertgan ina plazza e ch’èn annunziadas tar l’intermediaziun publica da lavur, na ston las plazzas libras betg vegnir annunziadas a l’intermediaziun publica da lavur.
6 Il Cussegl federal po fixar ulteriuras excepziuns da l’obligaziun d’annunziar plazzas libras tenor l’alinea 3, en spezial per tegnair quint da la situaziun speziala d’interpresas da famiglia u areguard persunas che han lavurà gia pli baud tar il medem patrun; avant che decretar las disposiziuns executivas taidla el ils chantuns ed ils partenaris socials. Plinavant emetta el periodicamain glistas cun gruppas professiunalas e cun champs d’activitad che han ina dischoccupaziun sur la media e ch’èn suttamess a l’obligaziun d’annunziar plazzas libras.
7 Sche las premissas tenor l’alinea 2 èn ademplidas, po in chantun dumandar il Cussegl federal da pudair introducir in’obligaziun d’annunziar plazzas libras.
8 Sche las mesiras tenor ils alineas 1–5 na portan betg l’effect giavischà u sch’i resultan novs problems, suttametta il Cussegl federal mesiras supplementaras a l’Assamblea federala, suenter avair tadlà ils chantuns ed ils partenaris socials. En cas da problems considerabels, en spezial da tals che vegnan chaschunads tras cunfinaris, po in chantun dumandar il Cussegl federal per ulteriuras mesiras.
31 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 16 da dec. 2016 (regulaziun da l’immigraziun e meglieraziuns da l’execuziun tar las cunvegnas davart la libra circulaziun da persunas), en vigur dapi il 1. da fan. 2018 (AS 2018 733; BBl 2016 3007).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.