1 If there is a reason to issue an intermediate or final account in accordance with Article 87 of the AsylA in the version of 26 June 1998457, before the commencement the amendment of 16 December 2005 of the AsylA, the intermediate or final account and the netting of the account are effected in accordance with the previous legislation.
2 The Federal Council shall regulate the accounting procedure as well as the extent and the duration the special charge and the confiscation of assets of temporarily admitted persons who were in employment before the commencement of the Amendment of 16 December 2005 to the AsylA and for whom there was no reason to issue a final account in accordance with paragraph 1 at the time of the amendment of 16 December 2005 of the AsylA.
3 The new legislation subject to paragraphs 1 and 2 of these transitional provisions applies to the procedures in accordance with Articles 85–87 of the AsylA in its version of 26 June 1998 that were pending at the time of the commencement the Amendment of 16 December 2005 to the AsylA.
4 Subject to the paragraphs 5–7, the new legislation applies to persons who were temporarily admitted at the time of the commencement of the Amendment of 16 December 2005 to the AsylA as well as of this Act. If temporary admission was ordered on the basis of Article 44 paragraph 3 of the AsylA, it continues to apply.
5 For persons who were admitted at the time of the commencement of the Amendment of 16 December 2005, the Confederation shall pay the cantons flat-rate payments in accordance with Articles 88 paragraphs 1 and 2 and 89 of the AsylA for the duration of temporary admission, but for a maximum of seven years from the date of entry. In addition the Confederation shall pay the cantons to a one-time contribution for persons who were temporarily admitted at the time of the commencement of the Amendment of 16 December 2005 to the AsylA with the intention in particular of facilitating professional integration. The Federal Council shall determine the amount.
6 The current legislation applies to procedures in accordance with Article 20 paragraph 1 letter b of the Federal Act of 26 March 1931 on the Residence and Settlement of Foreign Nationals (ANAG) in its version of 19 December 2003458 that are pending at the time of the commencement of the Amendment of 16 December 2005 to the AsylA.
7 If temporary admission was revoked in a legally binding decision before the commencement of the Amendment of 16 December 2005 to the AsylA, the Confederation shall pay the cantons a one-time flat-rate payment of 15 000 francs, provided the persons concerned have not yet left Switzerland.
455 Inserted by No IV 2 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2006 4745, 2007 5573; BBl 2002 3709).
1 Sch’i resulta in motiv per in rendaquint intermediar u final tenor l’artitgel 87 LAsil en la versiun dals 26 da zercladur 1998457, e quai avant l’entrada en vigur da la midada dals 16 da december 2005 da la LAsil, vegnan fatgs il rendaquint intermediar u final e la saldaziun dal conto tenor il dretg vertent.
2 Il Cussegl federal regla la procedura da rendaquint sco er la dimensiun e la durada da la taxa speziala e da la sequestraziun da las valurs da facultad per persunas ch’èn admessas provisoricamain e che han gì in’activitad da gudogn avant l’entrada en vigur da la midada dals 16 da december 2005 da la LAsil e per las qualas i n’è betg resultà in motiv per in quint final tenor l’alinea 1 il mument da la midada dals 16 da december 2005 da la LAsil.
3 Per proceduras tenor ils artitgels 85–87 LAsil en la versiun dals 26 da zercladur 1998 ch’èn pendentas il mument che la midada dals 16 da december 2005 da la LAsil entra en vigur vegn applitgà – cun resalva dals alineas 1 e 2 da questas disposiziuns transitoricas – il nov dretg.
4 Per persunas ch’èn admessas provisoricamain il mument da l’entrada en vigur da la midada dals 16 da december 2005 da la LAsil sco er da questa lescha vala, cun resalva dals alineas 5–7, il nov dretg. Sch’ina admissiun provisorica è vegnida ordinada sin basa da l’artitgel 44 alinea 3 LAsil, resta quella en vigur.
5 Per persunas ch’èn admessas provisoricamain il mument da l’entrada en vigur da la midada dals 16 da december 2005 da la LAsil paja la Confederaziun als chantuns las pauschalas tenor ils artitgels 88 alineas 1 e 2 ed 89 LAsil per la durada da l’admissiun provisorica, e quai maximalmain durant 7 onns dapi l’entrada en Svizra. Per persunas ch’èn admessas provisoricamain il mument da l’entrada en vigur da la midada dals 16 da december 2005 da la LAsil paja la Confederaziun als chantuns supplementarmain ina contribuziun unica che duai facilitar en spezial l’integraziun professiunala. Il Cussegl federal fixescha l’autezza da questa contribuziun.
6 Per proceduras tenor l’artitgel 20 alinea 1 litera b da la Lescha federala davart la dimora ed il domicil dals esters (LDDE) en la versiun dals 19 da december 2003458, ch’èn pendentas il mument che la midada dals 16 da december 2005 da la LAsil entra en vigur, vala il dretg vertent.
7 Sche l’admissiun provisorica è vegnida abolida cun vigur legala avant che la midada dals 16 da december 2005 da la LAsil è entrada en vigur, paja la Confederaziun als chantuns ina pauschala unica da 15 000 francs, sche questas persunas n’han anc betg bandunà la Svizra.
455 Integrà tras la cifra IV 2 da la LF dals 16 da dec. 2005, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (AS 2006 4745, 2007 5573; BBl 2002 3709).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.