121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

Art. 78 Tasks, rights to information and recommendations of the supervisory authority

1 The independent supervisory authority shall oversee the intelligence service activities carried out by the FIS, cantonal executive authorities and third parties and other agencies delegated these tasks by FIS. It shall audit these activities to confirm their legality, expediency and effectiveness.

2 It shall coordinate its activities with parliamentary supervision activities and with other federal and cantonal supervision bodies.

3 It shall inform the DDPS about its activities in an annual report; this report shall be published.

4 It has access to all relevant information and documents and access to all the premises of the subjects of supervision. It may request copies of documents. Within the scope of its supervision activities, it may request information from and may inspect files held by other federal and cantonal agencies, provided this information is related to the cooperation between these agencies and the subjects of supervision.

5 In order to carry out its supervision activities, it may have access to all the information systems and data collections of the subjects of supervision; it may also have access to sensitive personal data. It may only store the data thereby obtained until the audit is completed. The proprietors of the data collection concerned must keep a record of access to the various data collections.

6 The independent supervisory authority shall provide the DDPS with a written report on the results of its audit. It may issue recommendations.

7 The DDPS shall ensure that the recommendations are implemented. If the DDPS rejects a recommendation, it shall submit the same to the Federal Council for a decision.

Art. 78 Incumbensas, recumandaziuns e dretgs da survegnir infurmaziuns da l’autoritad da surveglianza

1 L’autoritad independenta da surveglianza surveglia l’activitad infurmativa dal SIC, da las autoritads executivas dals chantuns sco er da las terzas persunas e d’auters uffizis incumbensads dal SIC. Ella controlla, sche las activitads èn legalas, adequatas ed efficazias.

2 Ella coordinescha sia activitad cun las activitads da surveglianza parlamentaras sco er cun ils auters posts da surveglianza da la Confederaziun e dals chantuns.

3 Ella infurmescha il DDPS davart sia activitad en in rapport annual; quest rapport vegn publitgà.

4 Ella ha access a tut las infurmaziuns utilas ed a tut ils documents utils sco er a tut las localitads dals posts survegliads. Ella po pretender copias dals documents. En il rom da sia activitad da surveglianza po ella pretender infurmaziuns e l’invista da las actas d’auters posts da la Confederaziun e dals chantuns, uschenavant che questas infurmaziuns han in connex cun la collavuraziun da quests posts cun ils posts survegliads.

5 Per ademplir sia activitad da surveglianza po ella acceder a tut ils sistems d’infurmaziun ed a tut las collecziuns da datas dals posts survegliads; ella po er acceder a datas persunalas spezialmain sensiblas. Las datas retschertgadas en quest connex dastga ella arcunar mo fin che la controlla è terminada. Ils access a las differentas collecziuns da datas ston vegnir protocollads dal possessur da la collecziun da datas respectiva.

6 L’autoritad independenta da surveglianza communitgescha al DDPS en scrit il resultat da sias controllas. Ella po far recumandaziuns.

7 Il DDPS procura che las recumandaziuns vegnian realisadas. Sch’il DDPS refusa ina recumandaziun, suttametta el quella al Cussegl federal per laschar decider en chaussa.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.