121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

Art. 60 Disclosure of personal data to Swiss authorities

1 The FIS shall disclose personal data to domestic authorities if this is necessary in order to safeguard internal or external security. The Federal Council shall determine the authorities concerned.

2 Where information obtained by the FIS may be used by other authorities to prosecute offences, prevent serious offences or to maintain public order, the FIS shall while protecting its sources make this data available to them without being requested to do so or on request.

3 The FIS shall always disclose data from information gathering measures requiring authorisation to a prosecution authority if it contains specific evidence of an offence in connection with the prosecution of which the prosecution authority would have been entitled to order a comparable criminal procedural measure.

4 The FIS shall advise the prosecution authorities of the origin of the data. The subsequent procedure is governed by the CrimPC23 or the Military Criminal Procedure Code of 23 March 197924.

Art. 60 Communicaziun da datas da persunas ad autoritads svizras

1 Il SIC communitgescha datas da persunas ad autoritads svizras, sche quai è necessari per proteger la segirezza interna ed externa. Il Cussegl federal designescha las autoritads respectivas.

2 Sche enconuschientschas dal SIC servan ad autras autoritads per realisar la persecuziun penala, per impedir delicts grevs u per proteger l’urden public, metta il SIC a disposiziun quellas senza vegnir intimà u sin dumonda mantegnend la protecziun da la funtauna.

3 Il SIC communitgescha datas che derivan da mesiras da procuraziun suttamessas ad in’autorisaziun adina ad in’autoritad da persecuziun penala, sch’ellas cuntegnan indizis concrets per in delict, per il qual l’autoritad da persecuziun penala dastgass ordinar ina mesira cumparegliabla da la procedura penala per l’intent da persequitar quel.

4 Il SIC inditgescha l’origin da las datas a las autoritads da persecuziun penala. L’ulteriura procedura sa drizza tenor il CPP23 u tenor la Procedura penala militara dals 23 da mars 197924.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.