101 Federal Constitution of 18 April 1999 of the Swiss Confederation

101 Constituziun federala da la Confederaziun svizra dals 18 d'avrigl 1999

Art. 140 Mandatory referendum

1 The following must be put to the vote of the People and the Cantons:

amendments to the Federal Constitution;
accession to organisations for collective security or to supranational communities;
emergency federal acts that are not based on a provision of the Constitution and whose term of validity exceeds one year; such federal acts must be put to the vote within one year of being passed by the Federal Assembly.

2 The following are submitted to a vote of the People:

popular initiatives for a total revision of the Federal Constitution;
popular initiatives for a partial revision of the Federal Constitution in the form of a general proposal that have been rejected by the Federal Assembly;
the question of whether a total revision of the Federal Constitution should be carried out, in the event that there is disagreement between the two Councils.

117 Adopted by the popular vote on 9 Feb. 2003 (FedD of 4 Oct. 2002, FCD of 25 March 2003; AS 2003 1949; BBl 2001 4803 6080, 2002 6485, 2003 3111). Repealed in the Popular Vote on 27 Sept. 2009, with effect from 27 Sept. 2009 (FedD of 19 Dec. 2008, FCD of 1 Dec. 2009; AS 2009 6409; BBl 2008 2891 2907, 2009 13 8719). This let. in its version of FedD of 4 Oct. 2002 never came into force.

118 Adopted by the popular vote on 27 Sept. 2009, in force since 27 Sept. 2009 (FedD of 19 Dec. 2008, FCD of 1 Dec. 2009; AS 2009 6409; BBl 2008 2891 2907, 2009 13 8719).

Art. 140 Referendum obligatoric

1 Al pievel ed als chantuns vegnan preschentadas per la votaziun:

las midadas da la Constituziun federala;
la participaziun ad organisaziuns per la segirezza collectiva u a cuminanzas supranaziunalas;
las leschas federalas decleradas sco urgentas che n’han nagina basa constituziunala e che han ina durada da validitad che surpassa in onn; talas leschas federalas ston vegnir preschentadas per la votaziun entaifer in onn suenter l’acceptaziun tras l’Assamblea federala.

2 Al pievel vegnan suttamessas per la votaziun:

las iniziativas dal pievel per ina revisiun totala da la Constituziun federala;
las iniziativas dal pievel per ina revisiun parziala da la Constituziun federala en furma d’ina proposta generala, las qualas èn vegnidas refusadas da l’Assamblea federala;
la dumonda, sch’i saja da realisar ina revisiun totala da la Constituziun federala, en cas ch’ils dus cussegls n’èn betg da la medema opiniun.

118 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 9 da favr. 2003 (COF dals 4 d’oct. 2002, COCF dals 25 da mars 2003 – AS 2003 1949; BBl 2001 4803 6080, 2002 6485, 2003 3111). Abolì en la votaziun dal pievel dals 27 da sett. 2009, cun effect dapi ils 27 da sett. 2009 (COF dals 19 da dec. 2008, COCF dal 1. da dec. 2009 – AS 2009 6409; BBl 2008 2891 2907, 2009 13 8719). Questa lit. n’è mai entrà en vigur en la versiun dal COF dals 4 d’oct. 2002.

119 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 27 da sett. 2009, en vigur dapi ils 27 da sett. 2009 (COF dals 19 da dec. 2008, COCF dal 1. da dec. 2009 – AS 2009 6409; BBl 2008 2891 2907, 2009 13 8719).


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.