1 The People vote on the initiative and the counter-proposal at the same time.116
2 The People may vote in favour of both proposals. In response to the third question, they may indicate the proposal that they prefer if both are accepted.
3 If in response to the third question one proposal to amend the Constitution receives more votes from the People and the other more votes from the Cantons, the proposal that comes into force is that which achieves the higher sum if the percentage of votes of the People and the percentage of votes of the Cantons in the third question are added together.
115 Adopted by the popular vote on 9 Feb. 2003, para. 2 und 3 in force since 1 Aug. 2003 (FedD of 4 Oct. 2002, FCD of 25 March 2003, FedD of 19 June 2003; AS 2003 1949; BBl 2001 4803 6080, 2002 6485, 2003 3111 3954 3960). Para. 1 in its version in the FedD of 4 Oct. 2002 never came into force.
116 Adopted by the popular vote on 27 Sept. 2009, in force since 27 Sept. 2009 (FedD of 19 Dec. 2008, FCD of 1 Dec. 2009; AS 2009 6409; BBl 2008 2891 2907, 2009 13 8719).
1 Las votantas ed ils votants decidan il medem mument davart l’iniziativa e davart la cuntraproposta.117
2 Els pon acceptar domadus projects en votaziun. En la dumonda decisiva pon els inditgar, a qual project ch’els dessan la preferenza en il cas che domadus vegnan acceptads.
3 Cur ch’ina midada da la constituziun vegn acceptada, ma che in project obtegna en la dumonda decisiva la maioritad da las vuschs dal pievel e l’auter la maioritad da las vuschs dals chantuns, alura entra en vigur quel project, tar il qual la summa da la procentuala da las vuschs dal pievel e da las vuschs dals chantuns en la dumonda decisiva è pli auta.
116 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 9 da favr. 2003, entrada en vigur dals al. 2 e 3 il 1. d’avust 2003 (COF dals 4 d’oct. 2002, COCF dals 25 da mars 2003, COF dals 19 da zer. 2003 – AS 2003 1949; BBl 2001 4803 6080, 2002 6485, 2003 3111 3954 3960). L’al. 1 n’è mai entrà en vigur en la versiun dal COF dals 4 d’oct. 2002.
117 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 27 da sett. 2009, en vigur dapi ils 27 da sett. 2009 (COF dals 19 da dec. 2008, COCF dal 1. da dec. 2009 – AS 2009 6409; BBl 2008 2891 2907, 2009 13 8719).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.