101 Federal Constitution of 18 April 1999 of the Swiss Confederation

101 Constituziun federala da la Confederaziun svizra dals 18 d'avrigl 1999

Art. 113

1 The Confederation shall legislate for an occupational pension scheme.

2 In doing so, it shall adhere to the following principles:

the occupational pension scheme, together with the Old-age, Survivors’ and Invalidity Insurance, enables the insured person to maintain his or her previous lifestyle in an appropriate manner.
the occupational pension scheme is compulsory for employees; the law may provide for exceptions.
employers shall insure their employees with a pension institution; if required, the Confederation shall make it possible for employees to be insured with a federal pension institution.
self-employed persons may insure themselves on a voluntary basis with a pension institution.
for specific groups of self-employed persons, the Confederation may declare the occupational pension scheme to be compulsory, either in general terms or for individual risks only.

3 The occupation pension scheme is funded from the contributions of those insured, whereby employers must pay a minimum of one half of the contributions of their employees.

4 Pension schemes must satisfy the minimum requirements under federal law; the Confederation may provide for national measures to resolve particular difficulties.

73* With transitional provision

Art. 113

1 La Confederaziun decretescha prescripziuns davart la prevenziun professiunala.

2 Ella observa ils suandants princips:

La prevenziun professiunala pussibilitescha ensemen cun l’assicuranza da vegls, survivents ed invalids da mantegnair il nivel da viver anteriur a moda commensurada.
La prevenziun professiunala è obligatorica per lavurantas e lavurants; la lescha po prevair excepziuns.
Las patrunas ed ils patruns assicureschan lur lavurantas e lavurants tar ina instituziun da prevenziun; sche necessari dat la Confederaziun ad els la pussaivladad d’assicurar las lavurantas ed ils lavurants tar ina instituziun da prevenziun federala.
Persunas cun gudogn independent pon s’assicurar voluntarmain tar ina instituziun da prevenziun.
Per tschertas gruppas da persunas cun gudogn independent po la prevenziun professiunala vegnir declerada sco obligatorica, saja quai generalmain u per singulas ristgas.

3 La prevenziun professiunala vegn finanziada tras las contribuziuns dals assicurads; latiers pajan las patrunas ed ils patruns almain la mesadad da las contribuziuns da lur lavurantas e lavurants.

4 Las instituziuns da prevenziun ston satisfar a las pretensiuns minimalas dal dretg federal; per la schliaziun d’incumbensas spezialas po la Confederaziun prevair mesiras applitgablas en tut la Svizra.

73* Cun disposiziun transitorica.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.