1 No person may cover their face in public spaces or in places that are accessible to the public or where services are offered to anyone wishing to partake of them; the ban does not apply to places of worship.
2 No person may force another person to cover their face on the grounds of their sex.
3 The law shall provide for exceptions. These may only be justified on the grounds of health, safety, weather conditions or local custom.
3 Adopted by the popular vote on 7 March 2021, in force since 7 March 2021 (FedD of 19 June 2020, FCD of 31 May 2021 – AS 2021 310; BBl 2017 6447; 2019 2913; 2020 5507; 2021 1185).
4* With transitional provision.
1 Nagin na dastga cuvrir sia fatscha en il spazi public ed en lieus accessibels publicamain ubain en lieus, nua ch’i vegnan purschids servetschs che pon da princip vegnir duvrads da tuts; il scumond na vala betg per lieus sacrals.
2 Nagin na dastga sfurzar ina persuna da cuvrir sia fatscha pervia da sia schlattaina.
3 La lescha prevesa excepziuns. Quellas cumpiglian exclusivamain motivs da la sanadad, da la segirezza, da las cundiziuns climaticas e dals usits indigens.
3 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 7 da mars 2021, en vigur dapi ils 7 da mars 2021 (COF dals 19 da zer. 2020, COCF dals 31 da matg 2021 – AS 2021 310; BBl 2017 6447; 2019 2913; 2020 5507; 2021 1185).
4* Cun disposiziun transitorica.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.