1 For violations of the criminal provisions of this Act or the financial market acts, the Federal Act of 22 March 1974104 on Administrative Criminal Law applies, unless this Act or the financial market acts provides otherwise. The authority responsible for prosecution and judgement is the FDF.
2 Where proceedings before the courts are requested or if the FDF is of the view that the requirements for a custodial sentence or a custodial measure are met, the offence is subject to federal jurisdiction. In such a case, the FDF shall refer the files to the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland for proceedings before the Federal Criminal Court. The referral is deemed to be the bringing of charges Articles 73–83 of the Federal Act of 22 March 1974 on Administrative Criminal Law apply by analogy.
3 The representatives of the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland and of the FDF are not required to appear in person at the trial.
1 Est puni d’une peine privative de liberté de trois ans au plus ou d’une peine pécuniaire quiconque, intentionnellement:
2 Si l’auteur agit par négligence, il est puni d’une amende de 250 000 francs au plus.
3 …101
100 Nouvelle teneur selon l’annexe ch. II 16 de la LF du 15 juin 2018 sur les établissements financiers, en vigueur depuis le 1er janv. 2020 (RO 2018 5247, 2019 4631; FF 2015 8101).
101 Abrogé par l’annexe ch. 13 de la L du 19 juin 2015 sur l’infrastructure des marchés financiers, avec effet au 1er janv. 2016 (RO 2015 5339; FF 2014 7235).
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