1 Companies limited by shares, partnerships limited by shares and cooperatives that are entered in the commercial register when this Act comes into force, but which do not meet the statutory requirements, must amend their articles of association in accordance with the new provisions within five years.
2 During this period, they are subject to the previous law where their articles of association are contrary to the new provisions.
3 If the companies fail to comply with this provision, on expiry of the deadline, they must be declared dissolved ex officio by the commercial registrar.
4 The Federal Council may extend the application of the old law in the case of insurance and credit cooperatives on a case-by-case basis. Any application in relation thereto must be filed within three years of this Act coming into force.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Ceci n’est pas une publication officielle. Seule la publication opérée par la Chancellerie fédérale fait foi. Ordonnance sur les publications officielles, OPubl.