Landesrecht 2 Privatrecht - Zivilrechtspflege - Vollstreckung 22 Obligationenrecht
Internal Law 2 Private law - Administration of civil justice - Enforcement 22 Code of Obligations

220 Bundesgesetz vom 30. März 1911 betreffend die Ergänzung des Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches (Fünfter Teil: Obligationenrecht)

220 Federal Act of 30 March 1911 on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Index Inverser les langues Précédent Suivant
Index Inverser les langues

Art. 498 4. Nachbürgschaft und Rückbürgschaft

1 Der Nachbürge, der sich dem Gläubiger für die Erfüllung der von den Vorbürgen übernommenen Verbindlichkeit verpflichtet hat, haftet neben diesem in gleicher Weise wie der einfache Bürge neben dem Hauptschuldner.

2 Der Rückbürge ist verpflichtet, dem zahlenden Bürgen für den Rückgriff einzustehen, der diesem gegen den Hauptschuldner zusteht.

Art. 499 a. Scope of liability

1 In all cases, the surety’s liability is limited to the maximum amount indicated in the surety bond.

2 Unless otherwise agreed, he is liable up to this limit for:

the amount of the principal obligation, including the legal consequences of any fault or default on the part of the principal debtor, but not for damage resulting from the extinction of the contract and any contractual penalty unless this was expressly agreed;
the costs of debt enforcement proceedings and legal action brought against the principal debtor, provided that the surety was given timely opportunity to avoid them by satisfying the creditor, and, where applicable, for the costs of delivering pledges and transferring liens;
interest at the contractually agreed rate up to a maximum of the interest payable for the current year and the previous year or, where applicable, for the annual payments due for the current year and the previous year.

3 Unless otherwise provided by the contract or dictated by the circumstances, the surety is liable only for the principal debtor’s obligations arising after the contract of surety was concluded.


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