Landesrecht 2 Privatrecht - Zivilrechtspflege - Vollstreckung 21 Zivilgesetzbuch
Internal Law 2 Private law - Administration of civil justice - Enforcement 21 Civil Code

210 Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch vom 10. Dezember 1907

210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

Index Inverser les langues Précédent Suivant
Index Inverser les langues

Art. 218 1. Zahlungsaufschub

1 Bringt die sofortige Bezahlung der Beteiligungsforderung und des Mehrwertanteils den verpflichteten Ehegatten in ernstliche Schwierigkeiten, so kann er verlangen, dass ihm Zahlungsfristen eingeräumt werden.

2 Die Beteiligungsforderung und der Mehrwertanteil sind, soweit die Parteien nichts anderes vereinbaren, vom Abschluss der Auseinandersetzung an zu verzinsen und, wenn es die Umstände rechtfertigen, sicherzustellen.

Art. 219 2. Home and household effects

1 To ensure that the surviving spouse may maintain his or her accustomed lifestyle, at his or her request he or she will be granted a usufruct of or a right of residence in the home in which the spouses lived and which belonged to the deceased spouse, and this will be set off against his or her entitlement, subject to any contrary provision in the marital agreement.

2 On the same conditions, he or she may request that ownership of the household effects be transferred to him or her.

3 Where justified in the circumstances, at the request of the surviving spouse or the other legal heirs of the deceased spouse, ownership of the home may be granted rather than a usufruct or right of residence.

4 The surviving spouse may not claim such rights in respect of premises in which the deceased practised a profession or ran a business and which are required by one of his or her issue in order to continue said profession or business, subject to the provisions of agricultural inheritance law.


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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.