812.121 Lescha federala dals 3 d'october 1951 davart ils narcotics e las substanzas psicotropas (Lescha da narcotics, LN)

812.121 Federal Act of 3 October 1951 on Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances (Narcotics Act, NarcA)

Art. 3e Tractament cun prescripziun da narcotics

1 Per ordinar, per consegnar e per dar narcotics ch’èn destinads al tractament da persunas ch’èn dependentas da narcotics dovri ina permissiun. Questa permissiun vegn concedida dals chantuns.

2 Il Cussegl federal po fixar cundiziuns generalas.

3 Per il tractament cun prescripziun da heroin dovri ina permissiun da la Confederaziun. Il Cussegl federal decretescha disposiziuns spezialas. En spezial procura el che:

il heroin vegnia ordinà mo a persunas ch’èn dependentas da narcotics, sche autras furmas da tractament han disditg tar ellas u sche lur stadi da sanadad na permetta betg autras furmas da tractament;
il heroin vegnia ordinà mo da medis spezialisads, e quai en instituziuns ch’èn adattadas per quest intent;
la realisaziun e l’andament dal tractament cun prescripziun da heroin vegnia examinà periodicamain.

22 En vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2010 (AS 2009 2623).

Art. 3e Narcotics-based treatment

1 A licence is required for prescribing, dispensing and administering narcotics in order to treat persons dependent on narcotics. The licence is issued by the cantons.

2 The Federal Council may lay down general conditions.

3 Heroin-based treatment requires a federal licence. The Federal Council shall issue special provisions. It shall in particular ensure that:

heroin is only prescribed to persons dependent on narcotics who have failed to respond to other forms of treatment or whose state of health precludes other forms of treatment;
heroin is only prescribed by specialist physicians in appropriate facilities;
the conduct of and progress with heroin-based treatment is reviewed periodically.

22 In force since 1 Jan. 2010 (AS 2009 2623).


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