812.121 Lescha federala dals 3 d'october 1951 davart ils narcotics e las substanzas psicotropas (Lescha da narcotics, LN)

812.121 Federal Act of 3 October 1951 on Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances (Narcotics Act, NarcA)

Art. 30

1 Il Cussegl federal decretescha las disposiziuns executivas ch’èn necessarias per l’execuziun.

2 El fixescha las taxas che Swissmedic incassescha per permissiuns, per controllas e per prestaziuns da servetsch. El po surdar quest dretg a Swissmedic.

3 Concedind permissiuns ad organisaziuns, ad instituziuns ed ad autoritads en il senn da l’artitgel 14a fixescha el – en il cas singul – las cumpetenzas, las premissas pli detagliadas per exequir quellas sco er la moda e maniera da las controllas. Sche necessari, po el decretar prescripziuns che divergeschan da la lescha, cur ch’el regla las controllas.

130 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 20 da mars 2008, en vigur dapi il 1. da fan. 2011 (AS 2009 2623; 2011 2559; BBl 2006 85738645).

Art. 30

1 The Federal Council shall issue the required implementing provisions.

2 It shall specify the fees that Swissmedic charges for licences, controls and services. It may delegate his power to Swissmedic.

3 It shall specify in specific cases the powers, the detailed requirements for their exercise and the methods for the required controls when granting licences to organisations, institutions and authorities as defined in Article 14a. It may if necessary issue alternative regulations to the Act when regulating the controls.

130 Amended by No I of the FA of 20 March 2008, in force since 1 July 2011 (AS 2009 2623, 2011 2559; BBl 2006 8573 8645).


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