1 Cun in chasti da detenziun da fin 3 onns u cun in chasti pecuniar vegn chastià, tgi che:
2 Il delinquent vegn chastià cun in chasti da detenziun d’almain 1 onn, il qual po vegnir collià cun in chasti pecuniar, sch’ella u el:
3 En ils suandants cas po la dretgira reducir il chasti tenor liber appreziar:
4 Tenor las disposiziuns dals alineas 1 e 2 è er chastiabla quella persuna che ha commess l’act a l’exteriur, che sa chatta en Svizra e che na vegn betg extradida, uschenavant che l’act è chastiabel er al lieu, nua ch’el è vegnì commess. La lescha dal lieu, nua che l’act è vegnì commess, sto vegnir applitgada, sche quella è pli miaivla per il delinquent. L’artitgel 6 dal Cudesch penal90 è applitgabel.
89 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 20 da mars 2008, en vigur dapi il 1. da fan. 2011 (AS 2009 2623; 2011 2559; BBl 2006 8573, 8645).
1 Any person who without authorisation:
is liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty.
2 The offender is liable to a custodial sentence of not less than one year, which may be combined with a monetary penalty, if he or she:
3 The court may at its discretion mitigate the penalty in the following cases:
4 The offender also commits an offence under the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 if he or she committed the offence abroad but is apprehended in Switzerland and is not extradited, provided the act is also an offence at the place of commission. If the law at the place of commission is more lenient, it shall be applied. Article 6 of the Criminal Code90 applies.
89 Amended by No I of the FA of 20 March 2008, in force since 1 July 2011 (AS 2009 2623, 2011 2559; BBl 2006 8573 8645).
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.