La communicaziun da datas da persunas a las autoritads cumpetentas da stadis ch’èn liads tras ina da las cunvegnas d’associaziun a la reglamentaziun da Schengen81 ha il medem status giuridic sco la communicaziun da datas da persunas tranter organs federals.
81 Cunvegna dals 26 d’oct. 2004 tranter la Confederaziun svizra, l’Uniun europeica e la Communitad europeica davart l’associaziun da quest stadi a la realisaziun, a l’applicaziun ed al svilup da l’acquist a Schengen (SR 0.362.31); Cunvegna dals 28 d’avr. 2005 tranter la Confederaziun svizra ed il Reginavel dal Danemarc davart la constituziun da dretgs e d’obligaziuns tranter quests dus stadis areguard la collavuraziun tenor Schengen (SR 0.362.33); Cunvegna dals 17 da dec. 2004 tranter la Confederaziun svizra, la Republica da l’Islanda ed il Reginavel da la Norvegia davart la realisaziun, l’applicaziun ed il svilup da l’acquist a Schengen e davart ils criteris e las proceduras per determinar il stadi cumpetent per examinar ina dumonda d’asil inoltrada en Svizra, en Islanda u en Norvegia (SR 0.362.32); Protocol dals 28 da favr. 2008 tranter la Confederaziun svizra, l’Uniun europeica, la Communitad europeica ed il Principadi da Liechtenstein davart la participaziun dal Principadi da Liechtenstein a la Cunvegna tranter la Confederaziun svizra, l’Uniun europeica e la Communitad europeica davart l’associaziun da la Confederaziun svizra a la realisaziun, a l’applicaziun ed al svilup da l’acquist da Schengen (SR 0.362.311).
The disclosure of personal data to the relevant authorities of states bound by one of the Schengen Association Agreements81 is equivalent to the disclosure of personal data between federal bodies.
81 Agreement of 26 Oct. 2004 between the Swiss Confederation, the European Union and the European Community on the Swiss Confederation's association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen Acquis (SR 0.362.31); Agreement of 28 April 2005 between the Swiss Confederation and the Kingdom of Denmark on the implementation, application and development of those parts of the Schengen Acquis that are based on the provisions of Title IV of the Treaty establishing the European Community (SR 0.362.33); Agreement of 17 Dec. 2004 between the Swiss Confederation, Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the Implementation, Application and Development of the Schengen Acquis and on the Criteria and Procedure for determining the State responsible for examining an application for asylum lodged in Switzerland, Iceland or Norway (SR 0.362.32); Protocol of 28 Feb. 2008 between the Swiss Confederation, the European Union, the European Community and the Principality of Liechtenstein on the accession of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation that European Union and the European Community on the association of the Swiss Confederation with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen Acquis (SR 0.362.311).
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.