812.121 Lescha federala dals 3 d'october 1951 davart ils narcotics e las substanzas psicotropas (Lescha da narcotics, LN)

812.121 Federal Act of 3 October 1951 on Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances (Narcotics Act, NarcA)

Art. 14a

1 Ad organisaziuns naziunalas u internaziunalas, sco la Crusch Cotschna, las Naziuns Unidas e lur organisaziuns spezialas, sco er ad instituziuns ed ad autoritads naziunalas, sco ils organs da duana ed il corp da guardias da cunfin, po il Cussegl federal permetter da retrair, d’importar, da conservar, d’utilisar, da prescriver, da consegnar u d’exportar narcotics en il rom da lur activitad.

1bis Ils chantuns pon conceder permissiuns tenor l’alinea 1 a las autoritads chantunalas e communalas, en spezial a la polizia.

2 Il Cussegl federal ed ils chantuns pon retrair per in tschert temp u definitivamain las permissiuns ch’els han concedì, sche circumstanzas spezialas pretendan quai.

Art. 14a

1 The Federal Council may license national or international organisations such as those of the Red Cross, the United Nations, its special organisations and national institutions, and authorities such as the customs and border guard agencies to acquire, import, store, use, prescribe, dispense or export narcotics in the course of their activities.

1bis The cantons may grant a licence cantonal authorities and communal authorities, in particular the police, in accordance with paragraph 1.

2 The Federal Council and the cantons may revoke the licence they have granted for a limited period or permanently where special circumstances so require.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.