810.31 Lescha federala dals 19 da december 2003 davart la perscrutaziun da cellas embrionalas da basa (Lescha davart las cellas da basa, LCB)
810.31 Federal Act of 19 December 2003 on Research Involving Embryonic Stem Cells (Stem Cell Research Act, StRA)
Art. 19 Controlla
1 L’uffizi federal controllescha, sche las prescripziuns da questa lescha vegnan observadas. El fa inspecziuns periodicas spezialmain per quest intent.
2 Per ademplir questas incumbensas è el autorisà:
- a.
- da pretender gratuitamain las infurmaziuns ed ils documents necessaris;
- b.
- da metter pe en localitads da manaschi e da deposit;
- c.
- da pretender gratuitamain tut ils auters sustegns necessaris.
Art. 19 Monitoring
1 The Federal Office shall monitor compliance with the requirements of this Act. To this end, it shall in particular conduct periodic inspections.
2 In the performance of this task, it is empowered:
- a.
- to request that the necessary information and documents be made available free of charge;
- b.
- to enter operating and storage facilities;
- c.
- to request that any other necessary support be provided free of charge.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.