1 En lur zona da provediment ston vegnir derasads sur lingias:
2 Ultra da quai po il Cussegl federal determinar programs d’emetturs esters che ston vegnir derasads sur lingias pervia da lur contribuziun speziala a favur da la furmaziun, dal svilup cultural u da la libra furmaziun da l’opiniun.
3 Il Cussegl federal fixescha il dumber maximal dals programs cun dretg d’access tenor ils alineas 1 e 2 en il rom da las pussaivladads tecnicas dals purschiders da servetschs da telecommunicaziun. Ils programs ston vegnir derasads gratuitamain ed en qualitad suffizienta.
4 Obligà da derasar è en emprima lingia quel purschider da servetschs da telecommunicaziun che derasa gia programs en la zona da provediment e che cuntanscha uschia las bleras chasadas. Il UFCOM po obligar pli ch’in purschider da servetschs da telecommunicaziun per zona da provediment, sche quai è necessari per garantir ch’in program possia vegnir recepì da la generalitad. En cas d’ina refusaziun po il UFCOM disponer preventivamain la furniziun immediata.
5 Sche l’adempliment da questa obligaziun chaschuna ina grevezza economica insupportabla per ils purschiders da servetschs da telecommunicaziun obligads, oblighescha il UFCOM ils emetturs da programs autorisads da pajar ina indemnisaziun adequata.
6 Il Cussegl federal po extender l’obligaziun da diffusiun a servetschs ch’èn cumbinads cun programs cun dretg d’access.
1 In their coverage area, the following must be broadcast by wire:
2 The Federal Council may also specify programme services of foreign broadcasters which are to be transmitted by wire because of their special contribution to education, cultural development or free opinion-forming.
3 The Federal Council determines the maximum number of access-entitled programme services in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 within the framework of the technical capabilities of telecommunications service providers. The programme services are to be transmitted free of charge and in adequate quality.
4 The telecommunications service provider which already broadcasts programme services in the coverage area and reaches the most households is primarily subject to the broadcasting obligation. Within the same coverage area, OFCOM may require more than one telecommunications service provider if this is necessary to ensure that a programme service can be received by the general public. In the event of refusal, OFCOM may arrange immediate broadcasting by way of precaution.
5 If compliance with this obligation leads to an unreasonable economic burden on the telecommunications service provider, OFCOM shall require the access-entitled broadcaster to pay appropriate compensation.
6 The Federal Council may extend the transmission obligation to services which are coupled with access-entitled programme services.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.