1 Suenter avair consultà la Cumissiun federala da communicaziun fixescha il Cussegl federal il dumber e l’extensiun da las zonas da provediment, per las qualas vegnan dadas concessiuns cun dretg d’ina part da la taxa, sco er il gener da diffusiun en la zona da provediment respectiva. En quest connex fa el la differenza tranter las zonas da provediment per radio e las zonas da provediment per televisiun.
2 Las zonas da provediment tenor l’artitgel 38 alinea 1 litera a ston vegnir fixadas uschia:
3 Excepziuns pon vegnir previsas per programs regiunals che vegnan emess en in territori al cunfin linguistic en almain duas linguas naziunalas.
4 Il dumber e l’extensiun da las zonas da provediment vegnan controllads periodicamain dal Cussegl federal, il pli tard però suenter 10 onns. Adattaziuns minimalas da l’extensiun po far il DATEC.
5 Avant che determinar las zonas da provediment ed avant che far midadas essenzialas vegnan tadlads cunzunt ils chantuns ed ils emetturs concessiunads ch’èn pertutgads directamain.
1 After consultation with the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Council determines the number and extent of the coverage in which fee-sharing licences are awarded, as well as the technical means of broadcasting in the coverage area concerned. When it does so, it distinguishes between coverage areas for radio and for television.
2 Coverage areas in accordance with Article 38 paragraph 1 letter a must be defined so that:
3 Exceptions may be made for regional programme services which are broadcast in at least two national languages in a multilingual area.
4 The number and extent of the coverage areas are examined by the Federal Council periodically but after ten years at the latest. DETEC may make minor adjustments to the extent.
5 Before defining the coverage areas and before significant changes, the cantons and the licensed broadcasters directly concerned shall be consulted.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.