1 Ils programs da radio e televisiun da la SSR vegnan derasads almain en tut la regiun linguistica pertutgada. Almain in program da radio ed in program da televisiun da la SSR vegnan derasads en l’entira Svizra en tudestg, en franzos ed en talian. Il Cussegl federal po prevair excepziuns. Ultra da quai resguarda el ils basegns dals Rumantschs tenor l’artitgel 24 alinea 2. En quest connex garantescha el che frequenzas e chanals stattan a disposiziun als auters emetturs da programs per mintga gener da diffusiun.
2 Il Cussegl federal fixescha per mintga program la zona da provediment ed il gener da diffusiun.
1 The radio and television programme services of the SRG SSR shall be broadcast at least over the entire linguistic region concerned. At least one SRG SSR radio and television programme service shall be broadcast throughout Switzerland in German, French and Italian. The Federal Council may provide for exceptions. It also takes into consideration the needs of the Romansh-speaking population in accordance with Article 24 paragraph 2. In doing so, it ensures that frequencies and channels are made available to the other broadcasters for each means of broadcasting.
2 For each programme service, the Federal Council determines the coverage area and technical means of broadcasting.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.