784.40 Lescha federala dals 24 da mars 2006 davart radio e televisiun (LRTV)

784.40 Federal Act of 24 March 2006 on Radio and Television (RTVA)

Art. 2 Noziuns

En questa lescha signifitgan:

program: ina seria d’emissiuns che vegnan purschidas cuntinuadamain tenor in urari, che vegnan derasadas cun agid da la tecnica da telecommunicaziun e ch’èn destinadas a la generalitad;
emissiun: part d’in program che furma in’unitad formala e materiala;
emissiun redacziunala: mintga emissiun che n’è betg reclama;
publicaziun redacziunala: emissiun redacziunala en il program d’in emettur svizzer u contribuziun concepida da la redacziun en l’ulteriura purschida publicistica da la Societad svizra da radio e televisiun (SSR) (art. 25 al. 3 lit. b);
emettur da programs: la persuna natirala u giuridica che porta la responsabladad per la creaziun d’emissiuns u per lur cumpilaziun ad in program;
program svizzer: program che suttastat tenor la Convenziun europeica dals 5 da matg 19895 davart la televisiun transcunfinala a la giurisdicziun svizra; questas prescripziuns valan tenor il senn er per ils programs da radio;
transmissiun cun agid da la tecnica da telecommunicaziun: emissiun u recepziun electrica, magnetica, optica u en in’autra furma electromagnetica d’infurmaziuns sur lingias u sur undas radiofonicas (art. 3 lit. c LTC6);
diffusiun: transmissiun cun agid da la tecnica da telecommunicaziun ch’è destinada a la generalitad;
servetsch da telecommunicaziun: transmissiun cun agid da la tecnica da telecommunicaziun d’infurmaziuns per terzas persunas (art. 3 lit. b LTC);
servetsch cumbinà: servetsch da telecommunicaziun che furma in’unitad funcziunala cun in program, ch’è necessari per utilisar il program;
preparaziun: gestiun da servetschs u da proceduras tecnicas per transmetter, concentrar, criptar u commerzialisar programs u per tscherner tals als apparats da recepziun;
reclama: mintga annunzia publica en il program che ha l’intent da promover la conclusiun d’acts giuridics pertutgant rauba u prestaziuns, da sustegnair ina chaussa u ina idea u da cuntanscher in auter effect che vegn giavischà da l’incumbensader da reclama u da l’emettur sez e che vegn derasada cunter pajament u per ina cuntraprestaziun sumeglianta u sco autoreclama;
offerta da vendita: reclama che intimescha il public a la conclusiun directa d’in act giuridic pertutgant la rauba preschentada u pertutgant las prestaziuns preschentadas;
emissiun da vendita: emissiun che cuntegna unicamain offertas da vendita e che dura almain 15 minutas;
program da vendita: program che consista unicamain d’offertas da vendita e d’ulteriura reclama;
sponsuradi: participaziun d’ina persuna natirala u giuridica a la finanziaziun directa u indirecta d’ina emissiun cun la finamira da promover l’agen num, l’atgna marca u l’atgna apparientscha;
taxa da radio e televisiun: la taxa tenor l’artitgel 68 alinea 1.

4 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 26 da sett. 2014, en vigur dapi il 1. da fan. 2016 (AS 2016 2131; BBl 2013 4975).

5 SR 0.784.405

6 SR 784.10

7 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 26 da sett. 2014, en vigur dapi il 1. da fan. 2016 (AS 2016 2131; BBl 2013 4975).

Art. 2 Definitions

In this Act:

programme service means sequence of programmes which are offered continuously, defined in time and transmitted using telecommunications techniques and which are intended for the public;
programme means part of a programme service which is self-contained in terms of form and content;
editorial programme means a programme which is not advertising.
editorial publication means an editorial programme in a Swiss broadcaster‘s programme service or a contribution produced by the editorial staff as part of the other journalistic services of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG SSR) (Art. 25 para. 3 let. b);
broadcaster means the natural or legal person bearing responsibility for the creation of programmes or for the compilation thereof into a programme service;
Swiss programme service means a programme service which is subject to Swiss sovereignty in accordance with the provisions of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television of 5 May 19895; these provisions also apply, mutatis mutandis, to radio programme services;
transmission by means of telecommunications techniques means the electrical, magnetic, optical or other electromagnetic sending or receiving of information by wire or radio (Art. 3 let. c TCA6);
broadcasting means the transmission by means of telecommunications techniques and intended for the general public;
telecommunications service means the transmission of information for third parties by means of telecommunications techniques (Art. 3 let. b TCA);
coupled service means a telecommunications service which constitutes a functional unit with the programme service or which is necessary for the use of the programme service;
processing means the operation of services or technical procedures for the transmission, bundling, encryption or marketing of programme services or for the selection thereof on reception equipment;
advertising means any public statement in the programme service, the purpose of which is to promote the conclusion of transactions concerning goods or services, the support of a cause or idea, or the achievement of another effect desired by the advertiser or by the broadcaster and which is broadcast in return for payment or similar consideration or for self-promotion purposes;
offer for sale means advertising which invites the public to directly conclude a transaction concerning the presented goods or services;
tele-shopping programme means a programme which exclusively contains offers for sale and lasts for at least 15 minutes;
tele-shopping programme service means a programme service which consists solely of offers for sale and other advertising;
sponsorship means the participation of a natural or legal person in the direct or indirect financing of a programme, with a view to promoting their own name, their own trade mark or their own image.
radio and television fee: the fee in terms of Article 68 paragraph 1.

4 Inserted by No I of the Federal Act of 26 Sept. 2014, in force since 1 July 2016 (AS 2016 2131; BBl 2013 4975).

5 SR 0.784.405

6 SR 784.10

7 Inserted by No I of the Federal Act of 26 Sept. 2014, in force since 1 July 2016 (AS 2016 2131; BBl 2013 4975).


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