1 Il UFCOM fa ina statistica en collavuraziun cun l’Uffizi federal da statistica. Quella cuntegna las indicaziuns che las autoritads cumpetentas dovran:
2 Ils emetturs da programs svizzers ston inoltrar regularmain al UFCOM las indicaziuns necessarias.
3 Il UFCOM po metter a disposiziun resultats statistics a la publicitad.
4 Il Cussegl federal regla ils detagls; en spezial fixescha el ils princips davart la retschertga da datas, davart retschertgas singulas, davart l’utilisaziun da las datas retschertgadas e davart la publicaziun da resultats statistics.
1 OFCOM produces statistics in cooperation with the Federal Statistical Office. These contain the information which the competent authorities require:
2 Broadcasters of Swiss programme services must submit the necessary information to OFCOM regularly.
3 OFCOM may make statistical results available to the public.
4 The Federal Council regulates the details; in particular, it lays down the principles regarding data collection, individual surveys, the use of the collected data and the publication of statistical results.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.