1 Tgi che vul construir u midar in implant d’accumulaziun, dovra in’approvaziun dals plans da l’autoritad cumpetenta.
2 Sche la construcziun u la midada d’in implant d’accumulaziun sto vegnir autorisada tenor in’autra lescha, è la decisiun davart l’approvaziun tenor quella lescha er decisiva per conceder l’approvaziun dals plans tenor la lescha qua avant maun.
3 L’approvaziun dals plans sto vegnir concedida, sche las pretensiuns envers la segirezza tecnica vegnan ademplidas.
4 La dumonda per in’approvaziun dals plans sto cuntegnair tut las indicaziuns ch’èn necessarias per valitar la segirezza tecnica.
5 L’autoritad da surveglianza examinescha la dumonda. Sch’ella n’è betg l’autoritad d’approvaziun, infurmescha ella quella davart il resultat da sia examinaziun da la segirezza tecnica. Sche la segirezza tecnica da l’implant d’accumulaziun pretenda quai, propona ella a l’autoritad d’approvaziun da fixar cundiziuns per la construcziun.
6 L’autoritad d’approvaziun integrescha en sia decisiun il resultat da l’examinaziun da la segirezza tecnica e las cundiziuns proponidas concernent la segirezza tecnica.
7 L’autoritad d’approvaziun ordinescha mesiras da construcziun particularas, sche quai è necessari per proteger l’implant cunter acts da sabotascha.
8 L’autoritad da surveglianza controlla durant la fasa da construcziun, sche las pretensiuns envers la segirezza tecnica vegnan ademplidas.
1 Any person wishing to construct or modify water retaining facilities requires planning approval from the relevant licensing authority.
2 Where the construction or modification of an installation has to be approved on the basis of other legal provisions, at the same time as the decision on approval in accordance with those legal provisions a decision shall be made on whether to grant planning approval under this Act.
3 Planning approval must be granted if the technical safety requirements are complied with.
4 The application for planning approval must include all the information required to carry out the technical safety assessment.
5 The supervisory authority examines the application. If the supervisory authority is not the licensing authority, it shall inform the latter of the result of its technical safety assessment. If deemed necessary for ensuring the technical safety of the installation, the supervisory authority shall specify conditions concerning its construction.
6 When making its decision, the licensing authority considers the result of the technical safety assessment and the requested conditions for ensuring the technical safety of the installation.
7 The licensing authority shall order special structural measures if these are required to protect the installation against acts of sabotage.
8 During the construction phase, the supervisory authority shall verify whether the specified technical safety requirements are complied with.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.