721.101 Lescha federala dal 1. d'october 2010 davart ils implants d'accumulaziun (Lescha davart ils implants d'accumulaziun, LIA)

721.101 Federal Act of 1 October 2010 on Water Retaining Facilities (Water Retaining Facilities Act, WRFA)

Art. 14 Responsabladad dal gestiunari

1 Il gestiunari d’in implant d’accumulaziun stat bun per donns da persunas u per donns materials che resultan da la concretisaziun da las ristgas ch’èn colliadas cun aua, cun glitta u cun auter material che sorta.

2 El stat er bun per ils custs che resultan pervia da mesiras ordinadas da las autoritads e che servan a prevegnir u a reducir in privel imminent; exceptà da quai è gudogn pers.

3 Sco gestiunari responsabel vala tgi che posseda, construescha u maina in implant d’accumulaziun. Sch’il gestiunari n’è betg proprietari da l’implant, stat bun il proprietari solidaricamain ensemen cun el.

4 La Confederaziun, ils chantuns, las vischnancas u autras corporaziuns u instituziuns da dretg public stattan buns tenor questa lescha, sch’els mainan implants d’accumulaziun.

Art. 14 Liability on the part of operators

1 The operator of a water retaining facility is liable for damage to persons and property that is caused when risks associated with the flow of large quantities of water, mud or other materials materialise.

2 The operator is also liable for costs, with the exception of loss of income, that are incurred as the result of measures ordered by the authorities to prevent or reduce an imminent threat.

3 Liability as operator applies to any person who owns, constructs or operates a water retaining facility. If the operator is not the owner of the facility, the latter shall be held jointly and severally liable with the operator.

4 The federal government, cantons, communes or other public bodies or institutions are also liable in accordance with the provisions of this Act if they operate water retaining facilities.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.