702 Lescha federala dals 20 da mars 2015 davart las abitaziuns secundaras (Lescha davart las abitaziuns secundaras, LAS)

702 Federal Act of 20 March 2015 on Second Homes (Second Homes Act, SHA)

Art. 27 Scleriments preliminars avant ils 18 da december 2007

Independentamain da las premissas da l’artitgel 7 alinea 2 e dals artitgels 8, 9 u 26 dastga ina dumonda da construcziun per ina nova abitaziun senza restricziun d’utilisaziun tenor l’artitgel 7 alinea 1 vegnir permessa, sche:

l’autoritad ch’è cumpetenta per la permissiun da construcziun ha dà avant ils 18 da december 2007 en scrit ina resposta ad ina dumonda preliminara ch’è stada detagliada avunda e che:
ha sco object ils elements essenzials da la dumonda da construcziun en il senn da l’artitgel 26 alinea 1 litera b,
approvescha ch’il project è bun per vegnir approvà;
la permissiun da construcziun n’ha betg pudì vegnir concedida avant ils 11 da mars 2012, perquai ch’il proprietari è stà impedì senza culpa d’inoltrar ad ura la dumonda da construcziun; e
las ulteriuras premissas per conceder la permissiun da construcziun èn ademplidas.

Art. 27 Preliminary inquiries before 18 December 2007

Irrespective of the requirements of Article 7 paragraph 2 and Articles 8, 9 or 26, a building permit application for a new home may be authorised without restriction on use under Article 7 paragraph 1 if:

the competent building authority, in response to a sufficiently detailed preliminary request, provided a written answer before 18 December 2007 which:
contained the essential elements of the building permit as defined in Article 26 paragraph 1 letter b,
confirmed that the project was eligible for authorisation;
it was not possible to grant the building permit before 11 March 2012 because the owner was prevented from submitting a building permit application on time through no fault of his or her own; and
the other requirements for granting the building permit are fulfilled.

Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.