700 Lescha federala dals 22 da zercladur 1979 davart la planisaziun dal territori (Lescha davart la planisaziun dal territori, LPT)

700 Federal Act of 22 June 1979 on Spatial Planning (Spatial Planning Act, SPA)

Art. 22 Permissiun da construcziun

1 Edifizis e stabiliments dastgan vegnir construids u midads mo cun la permissiun da l’autoritad.

2 La premissa per ina permissiun è:

ch’ils edifizis e stabiliments correspundian a l’intent da la zona d’utilisaziun; e
ch’il terren saja avert.

3 Las ulteriuras premissas dal dretg federal e dal dretg chantunal restan resalvadas.

Art. 22 Building permits

1 Buildings and installations may be erected or modified only with the permission of the responsible authority.

2 The basic requirement for a permit is:

that the buildings and installations conform to the purpose of the land use zone; and
that the land is connected to infrastructure and utilities.

3 The other requirements contained in federal and cantonal law continue to apply.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.