451 Lescha federala dal 1. da fanadur 1966 davart la protecziun da la natira e da la patria (LPNP)

451 Federal Act of 1 July 1966 on the Protection of Nature and Cultural Heritage (NCHA)

Art. 24e

Tge che donnegia in monument natiral u cultural protegì da questa lescha, in lieu istoric protegì, ina cuntrada natirala protegida, in biotop protegì u ina vegetaziun da las rivas protegida po vegnir obligà – independentamain d’ina procedura penala:

d’eliminar las mesiras ch’èn vegnidas prendidas illegalmain;
da surpigliar ils custs che resultan tras l’eliminaziun dal donn;
da prestar ina cumpensaziun adequata, sch’il restabiliment n’è betg pussaivel.

98 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 19 da zer. 1987 (AS 1988 254; BBl 1985 II 1445). Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 24 mars 1995, en vigur dapi il 1. da favr. 1996 (AS 1996 214; BBl 1991 III 1121).

Art. 24e

Any person who damages a natural or cultural monument protected under this Act, a protected historical site, a protected natural landscape, a protected biotope or protected riparian vegetation may, irrespective of any criminal proceedings, be required:

to reverse the illegal measures;
to pay the costs of remedying the damage;
to take appropriate compensatory measures if the damage is irreparable.

98 Inserted by No I of the FA of 19 June 1987 (AS 1988 254; BBl 1985 II 1445). Amended by No I of the FA of 24 March 1995, in force since 1 Feb. 1996 (AS 1996 214; BBl 1991 III 1121).


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